Explaining Ramadhan to non-Muslims

Muslims follow a lunar calender so the birth of a new moon signifies the beginning of a new month. Ramadhan is the name of the 9th month of the lunar calender. Fasting in this month is obligatory on all adult Muslims and is one of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Fasting is not a punishment. The ultimate aim is to attain consciousness of the Almighty, and there are many secondary health & spiritual benefits as well. Muslims fast from dawn until dusk, abstaining from any food and drink during that time frame. We eat a pre-dawn meal called suhoor break our fast with an evening meal at sunset called “iftaar”. After iftaar there is a special prayer called “taraweeh” (night prayer) in which our Holy book (Quran) is recited. The aim is to complete one full recitation of the Quran during this prayer over the course of the month. Ramadhan is the month of the Quran. Muslims are encouraged to spend more time pondering and reflecting over the messages contained within this Holy book.
Ramadhan is more than hunger, it’s a spiritual process. We pray more, eat less and give more charity. For most of us it’s is our fav time of the year. We exert our efforts and practice more good deeds than usual to gain the happiness of our Lord. Don’t minimize that by apologizing for us having to fast. It’s also ok for you to eat in front of us, so eat normally and don’t feel bad. Ramadhan is not a diet & the purpose isn’t weight loss. Fasting enables us to emphathize with the less fortunate and naturally become kinder, better human beings. It helps us to practice gratitude over things we take for granted It’s also an opportunity to re-examine our lives and actions over the past year and make intentions for self improvementand personal growth. We’re human beings and thus, are bound to err. We’ve made mistakes and many people wish for a do-over in life
Ramadhan is a chance to start over and repent over the mistakes of our past so we can begin anew. It’s like a spiritual spring cleaning and retreat- a special time for Muslims who focus on doing things sincerely for the pleasure of our Lord, attaining peace & contentment
Ramadhan is a difficult time for people who don’t get to spend it with family and friends. Be a safe space for your Muslim friends and co-workers by learning a little about ramadhan, providing them with prayer space and being understanding if they’re fatigued.
Islam places emphasis on our interactions with others. Its more than a religion bound by rules, its a way of life. All good actions are futile if we hurt the heart of another human being. Apologizing to those whom we have wronged is important