Civic Education with Civil Society

Various scientific definise of civil society from various countries analyzed and discussed about civil society ;Zbigniew Rau ( East Europe and Uni Sofyet ). He said that Civil Society is a society developed from history, trade on the room where an individual and group our place merge, competition its other to achieve values what they believe. ‘
Han Sung-Joo ( south Korea ). He said that Civil Society is a law structure protection and assure basic right individual and group of people. Kim Sunhyuk ( south Korea ) He said that Civil Society is a unit consist of group stand alone accumulate his self. So, can conclusion that civil society is a structure community of society which priority of tolerantion, democration, and courtesy.
History and Development of Civil Society
To understanding civil society, the first step is we must analyze historically, because this not the final concept and ready made, but it is a expression have to understood as a process.
Root histroris of civil society from early was began from Cicero until Antonio Gramsci and de’Tocquiville. Moreover according to Manfred Ridel, Cohen, Arato and M. Dawam Rahardjo, expression civil society well known in Aristoteles’ time. In that time, civil society was understood as system of state in use term ‘koinonia politike’, that is the politic community of citizen place can mixed up immediately with various constellation political-economic and taking decision. This terminology of ‘koinonia politice’ which explained by Aristoteles be used to describe political society and etichal where citizen inside same place in front of law. Law was reputed ethos, that is a set of value which agreed not only with regards to political procedure, but also as basic of virtue from variety form of interaction between citizen.
This Aristoteles’ conception followed by Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 SM) with term societies civilizes, that a comunitee which domination other comunitee. The term which to the fore by Cicero more emphasize on city-states, that is to describe of kingdom, city and shaped of other corporation, as organized unity. Conception of civil society which accentuating it on state system was developed by Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679 M) and Jhone Locke (1632–1704 M). According to Hobbes, civil society have to has absolute dominance, in order to able full to control and caring for firmly of interaction every citizen. While according to Jhone Lock, attendance civil society was meant to protect freedom and property rights every citizen.
In 1676, expression this civil society was developed by Adam Ferguson with take context sosio-cultural and political of Scotlandia. Ferguson emphasize civil society on a visi ethic in live society. This understanding use to anticipate social exchange was resulted by revolution industri and appearance capitalisme and existence the different between public and individual. With civil society concept, Ferguson hoped that public have spirit to hamper back depotisme, because in civil society solidarity social appear and inspired by moral sentiment and attitude to dear each other and believed each other between citizen naturally.
And then in 1792, appear expression civil society which has different accentuate with before. This concept was appeared by Thomas Paine (1737–1803) which use term civil society as society group has position diametrically with society, moreover reputed as antithesis from state. Thus, so state must was limited and it is realization from delegation of dominance which given by society for realization general prosperity. Paine created a movement space which became domain society, where intervention of state inside is not valid and not true activity. Because of that, so civil society must more strong and able to control of state for requirement it.
The next development of civil society was developed by G.W.F Hegel (1770–1831 M), Karl Marx (1818–1883 M) and Antonio Gramsci (1891–1837 M). This personal emphasize on civil society as element dominant class ideology. This understanding is a reaction of model understanding which do by Paine. According to Hegel, civil society is subordinator group of state.
The Characteristic of Civil Society
There are ; Free Public Sphere, Existence free public space as tool to expression opinion. Democration, Is society can good behavior in relationship interaction wiht other society, not matter of ethnic, rase, and religion. Tolerantion, This attitude has awareness everyone of individual to expression opinion.
Pluralism, This attitude have to understood grew on with created a arrangement of live which admire and receive compound in the context of daily live. Pluralism cannot be understood just with admit attitude and receive reality compound of society, but must along with honest attitude.
Social Justice, Justice was meant to mentioned balance and division proportionally toward to right and obligation every citizen which covered all of live aspect.
According Dawam there is 3 strategi one of can used as strategi an problems Civil Society in Indonesia ;
1. The strategy more than important national integration and politic
This strategy has opinion that democration system impossible continuous an society yet posses awareness nation and strong state.
2. The strategy more priority reformation system democration politic
This strategy has opinion that to built democration is not waiting to finish stage economy development.
3. The strategy choose developing Civil society as strong basic to be democratisation.
This strategy more than priority education and politic resuscitation.